SCM Members Featured Mustang for November 2016
Father - Son team! Christian Y.Stevenson & Son Noah.

"It’s a Family thing, my son says on Instagram. In February of 2015 I was looking for a smaller used vehicle for me as a daily driver. I was actually looking for a six cylinder, convertible, stick shift stang when I ran across the 2007 GT/CS Vert. I thought it was a “too good to be true” add, she had very low miles and was in fantastic condition. Well, I had to scoop her up. After taking Noah out a few times to teach him how to drive a stick, he started to get the hang of it and long for a stick shift. Earlier this year his vehicle that got him all through high school with no wrecks was hit and totaled out in front of our house, so the search was on for something new. Well, I had already created a mustang monster without really noticing it. We then found him a clean white 2010 4.0L, 5-speed. We both have done a little here and little there as you all know, the personalizing as well as the quest for more Hp’s. So my 2007 GT/CS with 40,000 miles on it has a cold air intake, blacked out lights with most converted into LEDs, halo headlights and a new Pypes H-pipe. Noah’s 2010 has a cold air intake, throttle body spacer, GMS Performance Coil Pack with Livewires and NGK Iridium IX plugs, custom striping, blacked out lights, cat back X-pipe to dual exhaust and a Bama Tune.
My son was so excited to be SCCM’s featured Mustangs on the website together he called in a favor from one of his friends to come take some pictures of the stangs together. Courtesy of Evan Triplett, ET Photography (".