SCM Members Featured Mustang for August 2017
Greg Lilly's 2015 GT Premium
Just like so many others, Hot Wheels was a notable part of my childhood, (and honestly still is). It’s what got me into cars, and notably anything with a motor and wheels. I never got that Porsche my Dad promised if I had perfect grades, as I was not the “A” student, so the next best thing was a 89 Mustang GT. My second car at 17, I was a star at my High School because of it. K&N air filter, Flowmasters, gutted cats, JBA roller rockers, Hurst shifter, and of course a rockin sound system. I’ll never forget that car. I drove it hard, I drove it drunk, I drove it through lawns, over curbs, and into a wall on the 610 loop. I can look back on that now and (1) thank God for keeping me alive (2) not injuring, or taking the lives of anyone else, and (3) introducing me to the muscle car. After I dropped out of school, I sold that car for $5500 and went directly to the Yamaha dealership and bought my first bike. A few years later I got into the Imports, a 95 Civic, a 98 Integra GSR, a 2002 WRX, and stayed a loyal Subaru owner for quite some time. I opened a vinyl graphics buinsess catering the automotive market, this let me use these cars as “promo” vehicles that I tinkered and played with for over 15 years. With the introduction of the “retro” muscle cars (Mustang, Challenger, Camaro…) my shop saw an influx of vehicle stripe applications. I hated them.
Then came the new 2015 Mustang. It was absolutely gorgeous. I was doing lots of kits, and every time I had one, I liked them more and more. After a brief stint in a Fiesta ST (incredibly fun car BTW), a customer bought it, and I was ready to get back into a Mustang. Knowing it would be a shop car, I was looking at the EcoBoost, as I also had close ties with some prominent tuner companies willing to load it up with aftermarket go fast parts. But the heart wants what’s loud, fasts and has 8 cylinders. …ok, long story short, I had an opportunity to purchase my friends 2 yr. old Whipplecharged Mustang with only 2900 miles for the same price as a new base GT. Done. I must say, I wonder why I didn’t do this sooner. That saying, there’s no replacement for displacement hold true. Yeah, I enjoyed those little turbo cars, but there is nothing like the feel of a V8 rumble, blower whine and 661 rwhp. It took me about 25 years, but I’m back baby! (*but without the immaturity, irresponsibility and poor decision making of a teenager) LOL

I am sure you noticed some really cool graphics on Greg's Mustang. Well that's what he does! Check out his web site and give him a ring if you are in need! Top Notch Stuff! Duane.